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Archive for KON

Kubiat Oku Nnamdie

Self by KON

Kubiat Oku Nnamdie ( aka Kobe or KON) is a Nigerian artist, based in Miami. His career kicked off as soon as he graduated when he was asked to shoot an s/s ’10 campaign for a local designer.  He is currently involved with a project called ‘The Young Are Willing’, a project that focuses on the current creative youth that are inspired, driven, and willing. Nnamdie is also wrapping up his Pills project, which explores the pros and cons of taking pills. The project was inspired by family doctors, and the death of two close friends caused by pharmaceutical overdose. Nnamdie feels his vision is to tackle serious issues, but in a creative, playful manner. For the future he will perfect shooting in a cinematic format. Read the rest of this entry »